PATANI SEMASA: an exhibition on contemporary art and culture from the Golden Peninsula
Jakkai Siributr, Jehabdulloh Jehsorhoh, I-na phuyuthanon, Keeta Isran, Mumadsoray Deng, Pichet Piaklin, Pratchaya Phinthong , Gridthiya Gaweewong, Kasamaponn Saengsuratham and Zakariya Amataya
MAIIAM Contemporary Art Museum
19 July, 2017
14:00-15:30 p.m.
Panel discussion on “‘No art in kitab kuning?’: a dialogue between Patani history, art and Islam” Panelists: Professor Thanet Aphornsuvan, Ph.D., Thammasat University l Associate Professor Wattana Sugunnasil, Ph.D., Chiang Mai University l Assistant Professor Davisakd Puaksom, Ph.D., Naresuan University l Ms. Nualnoi Thamsathien, documentary producer and freelance journalist
Kitab kuning is the word used to describe Islamic religious texts, in both senses of the word as a physical book and a genre of literature, used in and around the Malay peninsula and archipelago. The term consists of “kitab”, Arabic for book, and “kuning”, the Malay word for yellow which describes the tinted, yellowish or brownish pages of the books. The initial enquiry of the talk will regard the situatedness of “art” in the Islamic religious texts in the Malay world. By exploring such enquiry, the talk proposes a reconsideration of Patani socio-cultural landscapes constituted by historical transformations, particularly ethno-politics, colonialism, and Islam. These are the landscapes which have also shaped the identity and creativity of artists from that particular region. Aiming to create a dialogue between the “past” and “contemporaneity” of Patani, the talk will be led by active onlookers and players who are engaged with Patani society, encompassing different but converging perspectives and methodologies which ranges from history, sociology, anthropology, and journalism.

16.00-17:30 p.m.
Artist and curator talk
Artists: Jakkai Siributr, Jehabdulloh Jehsorhoh, I-na phuyuthanon, Keeta Isran, Mumadsoray Deng, Pichet Piaklin, and Pratchaya Phinthong
Curators: Gridthiya Gaweewong, Kasamaponn Saengsuratham
18:00 p.m.
“I see myself”, poetry reading by Zakariya Amataya
18:30 p.m.
Opening reception